Our mission is to inspire families to be active and enjoy the benefits of sports & outdoor activities. Try the fastest growing sport & become a pickleball family today! 

our story

Our children, Madison (5) & James (3) became very interested in pickleball when my husband, Lloyd & I started playing. We are always so active with our children & it was so fun for them to start a new sport. We were thrilled when their daycare started offering pickleball lessons!

As my kids were using older adult paddles, naturally I thought they would do much better with sized proportioned paddles. My online search began and after hours of searching I found very few options for their size and was disappointed. I wanted them to have a paddle they would be excited over! A cute design & so on.

Lloyd & I then started our research & we are proud to offer unique & proportioned paddles to all little picklers! We hope your little one love these paddles as much as ours do. 

🤍 Kassie